Signature Business Writing Training

This two-day training format enables your employees to spend more time practicing, asking questions, and discussing their particular writing needs. In addition to the fundamental knowledge covered in the one-day course, this program includes modules on overcoming fear and procrastination, revising for others, reducing pride of authorship, and peer editing.

  • Overcome anxiety and procrastination about writing
  • Organize your ideas brilliantly
  • Master the art of writing for today’s readers
  • Learn the leadership skill of editing for others

Day one:

Laying the Groundwork (7 hours)


Setting Objectives for the Program

Participants will be invited to reflect on the issues that concern them and commit to learning objectives for the program.

Overcoming Fear and Procrastination

Learn tools for managing writer’s block, anxiety, and the tendency to check email rather than buckle down to writing.


Participants learn to identify the purpose of a document, how to target the reader effectively, and how to clarify their main point before they begin to write. They will plan an upcoming document in class and receive feedback from the instructor.


In writing, the structure is as essential as content. This module presents three principles of organization as well as tools for formatting effectively.

The Organic Outline

Most people don’t outline because they think it is a waste of time — and often, it is. The Organic Outline is a revolutionary way to outline documents, no matter how complex.


Mechanics of Writing

Learn the answers to grammar and questions that have plagued you for years. In this training, we cover more grammar than in the one-day program. A bonus handout of common word-choice errors is included.

Punctuation Pointers

Review the correct use of the comma, hyphen, apostrophe, semicolon, and colon.

Writing Powerful Paragraphs

Learn five paragraph structures for today’s readers.

Day two:

Writing and Revising for Impact (7 hours)


Eight Ways to Enhance Your Writing


  • Write with verbs.
  • Avoid the passive voice
  • Create a parallel structure.
  • Omit needless words


  • Overcoming Pride of Authorship
  • Principles of Revision
  • Revising for Others
  • Peer Editing

Clarity + Credibility + Connection

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