Communicating Effectively in a Fast-Paced World (half-day)
This workshop has a life-changing impact on participants, who learn to communicate with focus and intention to produce powerful results.
In this interactive seminar, you will learn:
- Before you communicate: Determine the best medium for your message Communicate intentionally.
- Use the Three P’s:
- Purpose
- Person
- Point.
- Write a strong subject line
- Hone your message:
- Keep it short.
- Keep it simple.
- Keep it clear.
- Reduce communication pressure:
- Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
- Listen openly.
- Put the important ahead of the urgent.
- Avoid multitasking Do one thing at a time.
- Russ less. Focus more.
Persuasive Writing Workshop (half-day)
Writing for results means writing to persuade. We persuade colleagues to buy in to new projects and clients to buy our products and services. This workshop covers the essence of the ancient art of persuasion and brings it to the modern world.
- Choose a Project to Work On: Participants will decide on a persuasive writing project to work on during the program.
- Identify the Goal of Your Message: How will you know you persuaded effectively? What result will happen?
- Aristotle’s Principles of Persuasion: Learn about ethos, pathos, and logos – appeals to character, emotion, and logic, and how to use them in your daily life
- Analyzing Your Reader: Determine your reader’s hot buttons, inner questions, and objections.
- Find a Hook: Based on everything already discussed, choose “hook” for your message.
- Drafting the Persuasive Document: Basic principles of persuasive exposition.
- Closing Strong: Ending with a call to action.
- Presenting Personal Projects: Participants will read their opening paragraph to the group.
Managing People Who Write
“Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day; teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime.”
Many hours of review are wasted when a manager does not effectively assign and edit a writing task. Staff writers flounder, trying to figure out what they are supposed to do and getting it wrong. Managers are frustrated and disappointed and decide they might as well do it themselves. When managers do writing tasks that others should have done, they squander valuable time that they could have spent on higher-level goals.
This workshop is for managers and partners who oversee writers. We will offer specific tools for assigning writing projects successfully and explaining their document changes. Managers will learn specific principles for editing drafts without alienating writers. The workshop is highly interactive, involving role-plays and practice writing.
Reader-Focused Communication
This webinar prepares sales professionals, customer service representatives, and other businesspeople to focus on their readers’ needs, interests, and emotions so that their messages will succeed.
In business writing, nothing happens until our reader understands and acts on our message. If our readers do not read and comprehend us and, equally important, if they are not emotionally touched by our words, we are unlikely to generate the results we desire.
The program includes a discussion of how reader-focused writing connects with achieving our desired outcome, identifying the desired outcome of our message, analyzing the reader’s pain points and inner questions, and communicating in a friendly, professional tone. Extensive role-play and practice bring the ideas alive.
Leadership Development Programs
Strong leaders must be strong communicators. Many leadership development programs target spoken communication; few focus on the essential skill of written management communication. Our Leadership Development program is based on our Signature Business Writing Training.
We include modules on how to assign a writing project, how to give effective written feedback, and how to edit in ways that reduce repeat mistakes. One participant in our writing training wrote, “The other sessions in the Leadership Development program were interesting, but the writing training changed my life.”
New hires come to organizations with their own ideas about writing style, email etiquette, and appropriate tone. If they are new grads, they may have had little training in basic business forms such as letters and emails. As part of your onboarding process, you can offer customized onboarding programs that will ensure that all new hires understand your organization’s expectations for how they should write, and master the basic skills for communicating professionally.
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