After a Period, One Space or Two?

In a recent blog post, Farhad Manjoo, technology columnist for, derided the use of two spaces after periods. He maintains that contemporary typographers require only one space after a period. He attributes the two-space rule to the vagaries of old-fashioned typewriters, which did not use proportional spacing for different-sized letters. The two spaces were necessary in order to clearly differentiate one sentence from another. The idea is that now, with computers carefully providing proportional spacing, there is no need for two spaces between sentences.

I must admit that I usually use two spaces between sentences. That’s what I was taught eons ago in typing class, and old habits die hard. However, this is not the first time I’ve heard about the one-space rule. I am gradually training myself to follow the one-space-after-a-period rule and recommend you do the same.

Here is a link to Manjoo’s whole article, which cites references from typography texts and generally rails against the gobs of extra space being wasted by people using two spaces between sentences. He also dishes on WikiLeaks creepo Assange, whose technical skills apparently still have not led him to follow contemporary typographical practices. “Why you should never, ever use two spaces after a period.” By Farhad Manjoo Posted Thursday, Jan. 13, 2011.

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