
“Thank you” Is a Sentence

Worktalk Writamins: Thank you is a sentence

[2 minutes to read] Read the following two passages aloud: Thank you, we appreciate your business and please do not hesitate to contact a customer service representative at the number below if you need assistance. Thank you. We appreciate your business. Feel free to contact a customer service representative at the number below if you need […]

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Avoid Reply-All Fiascos

Worktalk Writamins: Avoid Reply-All Fiascos

[4 minutes to read] A senior executive in an international corporation confided to a fellow manager that he was starting to use Viagra. Some weeks later, this executive wrote an email to a large swath of the company’s employees. His friend hit Reply and wrote, “So, how are those little blue pills working out for you?” I

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Managing Inbox Overload

Worktalk Writamins: Managing inbox overload

[6 minutes to read] “There are days where I literally sit down at my computer and don’t plan on doing anything. I just start replying to e-mails that came in the night before and then the ones that start coming in that day and 10 hours later I try and stop. My entire day is filled

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