Individual coaching

Individual Coaching

During the online or live coaching, participants set personal goals, identify individual pain points, and devise a strategy for improving their writing. They work with the coach to develop tools for improving their most common problems. During the first half of each session, the coach presents new information. The second half of the session is spent editing a “live” writing sample on which the person is working.

Executive Coaching

High-ranking managers and executives may not feel comfortable in a diverse training group; these individuals benefit from one-on-one coaching. During these sessions, we explore the team’s issues about written communication and explore ways the manager can improve his or her team’s writing. We examine the manager’s writing style as well as his or her editing style and show how assigning a project appropriately can dramatically reduce rewrites. We also coach the executive in giving feedback that reduces repeat mistakes from staff members.

ESL Coaching

Highly skilled professionals may require coaching in using English as a second language (ESL). Worktalk’s ESL coach, Serena Gould, brings 30 years of ESL teaching experience to the program. She performs an in-depth assessment of the person’s spoken and written English and creates a customized program to elevate the individual’s English skills. Employers consistently report dramatic improvement in employees’ English mastery after working with Serena.

Monthly Follow-up Writing Labs

A training program provides an intense burst of learning. However, when participants return to work, they may drift back into old habits. Offering monthly writing labs will keep your staff focused on readability and clarity. During the labs, participants briefly review what they learned in previous training sessions. Most of the time is spent “workshopping ” or editing writing samples of participants with input from the facilitator. People learn from each other as they find ways to improve one another’s writing. Workshops last from 45 minutes to one hour on Zoom.

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