business communication

show you care: write by hand

When was the last time you sent someone a handwritten note? Can’t remember? I thought so. When we can type at lightning speed and send messages in a nanosecond, who needs handwriting? As it turns out, we all do. Handwriting shows people we care about them, makes us think more carefully about what we write, […]

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Begin with the end in mind: the key to purposeful writing

The Talmud asks, “Who is wise? He who sees the end from the beginning.” Stephen Covey echoes this in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People when he urges us to “begin with the end in mind.”

Many writers plunge into their work without a clear destination. They don’t stop to think about their goals, but hope their reader will manage to decode the message about which they themselves are unclear. But this approach wastes time and is unlikely to achieve results. Successful writers think about their desired outcome before they even touch the keyboard.

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Gratitude emails build relationships

As the year winds down, now is the perfect time to express gratitude. A heartfelt thank-you email can leave a lasting impression, whether it is directed to clients, coworkers, or friends. Gratitude strengthens relationships and reflects your authenticity and thoughtfulness. If you have the time and ability, writing a handwritten note will have the greatest

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Don’t Hedge

Words such as rather, pretty, very, and little are the leeches that infest the body of prose, sucking the blood of words. We should all try to do a little better, we should all be very watchful of this rule, for it is a rather important one and we are pretty sure to violate it

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How Corporate Speak Obscures Realities in Business

political language

Even the most compelling email content is worthless if it’s never opened. Mastering the art of the subject line is crucial for ensuring your messages don’t end up in the dreaded Trash folder before they are read.

When deciding whether to open emails, readers look first at the sender. We all have people whose emails we will open no matter what is in their subject line. But the subject line determines whether the vast majority of emails will be opened or ignored. To get decision-makers, clients, and colleagues to actually read your messages, here are five tips for writing gripping subject lines.

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