
show you care: write by hand

When was the last time you sent someone a handwritten note? Can’t remember? I thought so. When we can type at lightning speed and send messages in a nanosecond, who needs handwriting? As it turns out, we all do. Handwriting shows people we care about them, makes us think more carefully about what we write, […]

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Begin with the end in mind: the key to purposeful writing

The Talmud asks, “Who is wise? He who sees the end from the beginning.” Stephen Covey echoes this in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People when he urges us to “begin with the end in mind.”

Many writers plunge into their work without a clear destination. They don’t stop to think about their goals, but hope their reader will manage to decode the message about which they themselves are unclear. But this approach wastes time and is unlikely to achieve results. Successful writers think about their desired outcome before they even touch the keyboard.

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Gratitude emails build relationships

As the year winds down, now is the perfect time to express gratitude. A heartfelt thank-you email can leave a lasting impression, whether it is directed to clients, coworkers, or friends. Gratitude strengthens relationships and reflects your authenticity and thoughtfulness. If you have the time and ability, writing a handwritten note will have the greatest

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George Orwell’s Call to Action

In 1946, author George Orwell wrote a powerful essay titled “Politics and the English Language.” In it, he analyzed the flaws of political writing as it is translated into the larger culture. He warns that the decadence, or gradual breakdown, of the language connects to a breakdown in the values and norms of the culture.

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