Workplace Productivity

Take Your Leadership Beyond Words Through Body Language and Nonverbal Communication

body language workplace

As somatic coach Thomas Rosenberg points out, the congruence between a leader’s actions and words reflects their level of authenticity and trustworthiness. Rosenberg explains that somatics holds that we are what we practice (how we sit, stand, walk, breathe, carry tension, the language we use with ourselves and others) and the way we hold our bodies in everyday activities.

The Secret to Getting Everything Done

rushing is counterproductive

We all sense intuitively that rushing is counterproductive, but we feel we have so much to do that we have no choice but to rush. Yet think about a time when you rushed to complete a task: Did you really save any time? Did you have to spend more time repairing mistakes caused by rushing? Fundamentally, is rushing sustainable?

The Secret to Getting Everything Done: Don’t Rush

It’s easy to talk about staying focused and not rushing, but in the tumult of everyday life, it can be hard to do. Fortunately, you can adopt a few habits that will build your capacity to regain control of your time and ultimately be more productive. Here are a few ideas to prime you for success.

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