7 Ways to Avoid Stress-Induced Brain Freeze

brain fog world events

In times of extreme stress, the sense of blanking out is common. We all have limited reserves of cognitive focus, and when too much is going on behind the scenes, our minds do not function as they ordinarily would. “Your past, your body, and your personal traumas, and who you are set the stage for how you will respond to events in the Middle East, Ukraine, or other trouble spots in the world,” says Jacques Jospitre Jr., co-founder of SohoMD, a nationwide network of biological psychiatry providers.

Want to Gain Respect? Write Respectfully

Phrases to avoid in business emails

We’ve all been on the receiving end of emails that make us feel condescended to or disrespected, and it’s never a pleasant experience. What’s unfortunate is that the writers of such emails may not have intended any harm. They might have thought they were being direct and straightforward, or perhaps they were in a hurry and didn’t consider the impact of their words and punctuation choices. They might have even thought they were being respectful.

To prevent being the source of someone else’s online suffering, we must be careful with our language choices. Writing messages with a demeaning or passive-aggressive subtext is counterproductive to achieving success.

To retain the goodwill of your readers, steer clear of these phrases:

5 Ways to Cut Through the Noise and Write to Distracted Readers

Write to Distracted Readers

Interruptions plague today’s business readers more than ever before. Between notifications, emails, text messages, voicemails, and physical interruptions, most people find it challenging to sit down and read through a written message. Research indicates that our brains carom off in another direction about every 44 to 50 seconds when we are engaged with a screen.

Yet as business writers, we want our readers to read through our messages and comprehend them. An important project may depend on everyone reading a report. A major sale may hinge on the prospect reading our proposal.

To defeat digital distraction, we need to understand it and work around it when we write.

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